Saturday, August 21, 2010

Trip Recap

This trip definitely lived up to its expectations! Some highlights for me: Hiking the Highline Trail, going whitewater rafting and hiking to the Natural Bridge in Yellowstone. Our drive home led us through never ending North Dakota, where we encountered a huge storm! Also, on the way home we spent the night in the Walmart parking lot. Though I cannot say that night was a highlight for me, I won't forget it! The whole trip was unforgettable and I would do it again in a heartbeat!!

Hiking the eleven-mile Highline trail, high above the valley floor, was a highlight (This is the Highline Montana style, a tip of our hat acknowledging our friends in the Big Apple who worked on Manhattan's Highline).

Walking the tightrope path, gripping the high tech railing (A garden hose)

A buck + A doe = Blocked path and animal reproductive discussion

Every step was worth the incredible views of the mountains and sky.

The smiling faces belie the hikers' angst during our next and final day's eleven-mile hike to see Grinnell Glacier.

National Geographic moment

Our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow-dipping our feet into water from one of Glacier Park's five remaining glaciers, which will be gone before Matthew, Catherine, and Eli will be able to return with their own children.

Mike luxuriating sans cellular...for 12 more hours.

The Last Supper...The only thing left in the cupboard is a can of baked beans.

Our final resting place. No RV trip across America would be complete without a night spent in a Wal-Mart Parking lot (8-19, 0500 MDT, Jamestown, ND).

Miles Traveled: 4,509

Gallons of Gas: 560

Family RV Trip Out West: Priceless

Thanks for joining us in our journey across the country in the Kalama Krooz'r!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

This is the start of our incredible 12 mile hike today -- 200 ft. rise over 8 miles and 2200 ft. descent over the last 4 miles. This was a milestone day for us -- which reminds me, it's a milestone day for my brother in law Ray, who is turning 50 years old today. Big shout out from a place in the world where there is no cell coverage.

Update from Glacier -- this is a breathtaking park -- perfect for day hikes. Yesterday, we walked about 6 miles and saw three waterfalls, multiple streams, and a glacial lake.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Here we are -- coming off the river after a beautiful day of whitewater rafting -- with our Southside Philly friends, John and Susan. Not sure why those gray things are in the background as we used the river. (BTW, we had never met John and Susan until today but they were some quality folks. She is a Head Start teacher and he teaches high school in Bucks County.) One of the best quotes of the day was when John, who claimed he went 265 lbs. was in the water and needed to be hoisted back into the boat. Catherine commented, "Don't worry. My Dad could bench press you." That may not be true, but I wasn't going to break the news to him.

Today was one of the most scary, exhilarating, invigorating, exciting, beautiful days of my 13 years. We went white water rafting! Our guide knew everything about the river, and told more than a few tall tales. We met the most amazing people, simple and genuine. Here's how it went:
The Scary Part: We were going over a class 3 rapid and Eli almost fell out. Later in the day, we made a quick stop to jump off cliffs. I couldn't do it, but I finally jumped!
The Exhilarating: We jumped into a fresh mountain creek, and the water was FREEZING! It was definitely exhilarating.
The Invigorating: I jumped off a cliff! I almost didn't do it. But, plunging into water from 15 feet above was invigorating.
The Exciting: Going up to a huge rapid and watching the other boats plunge up and down and knowing that those people would be you!
The Beautiful: The mountain scenery was absolutely spectacular. It was calming and relaxing!
I can't wait to go rafting again!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our first day in Yellowstone was one I will never forget. A friend had told us about the Natural Bridge Trail, and we decided to try it. The path was an easy walk, and when we finally reached the end of the trail, we walked up a steep path. Over us there was a Natural Bridge, which was amazing. It was formed by erosion. But under it, there was a beautiful little waterfall. It pooled over into small puddles, and we took some great pictures!

Second small world story -- we were at Artist's Point in Yellowstone - a very famous site with thousands of tourists. Eli looks over and says, "Isn't that our organist from church?" Taking a lesson from the gospel (it is church after all), I say to myself (unlike Thomas who said it out loud), "I doubt it." Well, sure enough, it is him -- in the flesh and bones -- out here on a Train Trip Across America.

Wyoming and Yellowstone

As Kevin Costner says in "Dances with Wolves,"
"Tatanka" and lots of them! No tourists were gored by buffalo despite the warning about being out of their cars!

The family hits the trail. Our first small world story -- our trail guide was from Portage, Michigan and her family lives in Rudgate. She was a 2005 Portage Central grad and had some of the same teachers as Matthew in Middle School. As for the trail ride, we saw a bear. Julie would be hard pressed to choose between a horse and a Harley as she did not particularly enjoy her encounters with either one.

If this law thing doesn't work out, I'm thinking of a career in rodeo.

Me and my cowgirl getting ready for the rodeo!

Julie and I have a Close Encounter with Devil's Tower.