Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wyoming and Yellowstone

As Kevin Costner says in "Dances with Wolves,"
"Tatanka" and lots of them! No tourists were gored by buffalo despite the warning about being out of their cars!

The family hits the trail. Our first small world story -- our trail guide was from Portage, Michigan and her family lives in Rudgate. She was a 2005 Portage Central grad and had some of the same teachers as Matthew in Middle School. As for the trail ride, we saw a bear. Julie would be hard pressed to choose between a horse and a Harley as she did not particularly enjoy her encounters with either one.

If this law thing doesn't work out, I'm thinking of a career in rodeo.

Me and my cowgirl getting ready for the rodeo!

Julie and I have a Close Encounter with Devil's Tower.


  1. Not sure where to being! Oh what a trip thus far! Michael is it possible you have packed more outifts than Julie or (God forbid) Catherine? LOVE the pictures and have so enjoyed the clear and descriptive literary analysis of your adventures! All looks really fun but we are worried about the blinking light. Have you thought to pull over and have it checked out before returning? As for the matching T-Shirts, get used to it kids! Wait till your parents start dressing alike everyday...usually about the time they turn 50! Better stock up Julie! Michael is way ahead! Love and safe travels and keep up the blog. It IS our entertainment this summer! The Rudes

  2. Mike, I hope you were better with the bear than the one we saw in Virginia for the Moedown. I didnt know men could scream like ......
