Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Pictures-Sunday South Dakota

What would a trip to South Dakota be without a visit to the Corn Palace? What a great visit to the state of South Dakota! i always admired what the state had to offer -- George McGovern and Tom Brokaw -- but I never realized just how beautiful it was! We hiked the high plains in the Badlands - a fascinating area that is other worldly. That's me, (Michael) with the groovy bandana, next to the sign that says Beware of Rattlesnakes (and guys wearing bandanas)! A trip past prarie dogs and buffalo (I had to pick up the pie to see how it burns - just like in Little House on the Prairie. We spent the night in a "primitive" campground -- albeit in our RV with a refrigerator filled with cold water -- and much to the disdain of the "au naturel" granola lovers. That night, we went out to see the stars . . . and we saw the GALAXY. It was simply amazing!
Also, the engine light is still on, and blinks when we go over 70 -- which we shouldn't be doing anyway. (FYI, apostrophes don't work in comments - per my IT tech.)

Catherine On Sunday, we drove to the Badlands. We were so excited and they definitely didn't disappoint. The rock formations were wild, otherworldly. We got some great pictures of the vistas. On our 4 mile hike, we also saw wide open prairie. I never knew such simplicity could be so beautiful. We also saw prairie dogs and the famed jackelope. I loved our campground and I felt like I saw the whole galaxy. The Badlands are a place that I would HIGHLY recommend spending the night in!


  1. I hope you were on the look out for those rattlesnakes as the sign recommended. When I visited the badlands years back I was sitting upon a rock gazing out at the amazing sights when a guy walked up and said - do you know what a rattlesnake sounds like? - to which I answered no. The guy said he believed me because there was one rattling like crazy right next to where I was sitting. He pinned down the snake and soon was making a hat band from its skin, but I was thankful he came along. Us city boys have a lot to learn. Enjoying the reports. Thanks for sharing!

  2. P.S. The blinking check engine light usually means there is more than one cause that is prompting the check engine light to be on. One issue means steady on light, two or more = blinking light.

  3. Did Matthew try to detassle the giant corn guy? Hope the buffalo pie didnt come along as a souvenir.....

    Uncle ???
