Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our first day in Yellowstone was one I will never forget. A friend had told us about the Natural Bridge Trail, and we decided to try it. The path was an easy walk, and when we finally reached the end of the trail, we walked up a steep path. Over us there was a Natural Bridge, which was amazing. It was formed by erosion. But under it, there was a beautiful little waterfall. It pooled over into small puddles, and we took some great pictures!

Second small world story -- we were at Artist's Point in Yellowstone - a very famous site with thousands of tourists. Eli looks over and says, "Isn't that our organist from church?" Taking a lesson from the gospel (it is church after all), I say to myself (unlike Thomas who said it out loud), "I doubt it." Well, sure enough, it is him -- in the flesh and bones -- out here on a Train Trip Across America.

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