Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hiking the eleven-mile Highline trail, high above the valley floor, was a highlight (This is the Highline Montana style, a tip of our hat acknowledging our friends in the Big Apple who worked on Manhattan's Highline).

Walking the tightrope path, gripping the high tech railing (A garden hose)

A buck + A doe = Blocked path and animal reproductive discussion

Every step was worth the incredible views of the mountains and sky.

The smiling faces belie the hikers' angst during our next and final day's eleven-mile hike to see Grinnell Glacier.

National Geographic moment

Our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow-dipping our feet into water from one of Glacier Park's five remaining glaciers, which will be gone before Matthew, Catherine, and Eli will be able to return with their own children.

Mike luxuriating sans cellular...for 12 more hours.

The Last Supper...The only thing left in the cupboard is a can of baked beans.

Our final resting place. No RV trip across America would be complete without a night spent in a Wal-Mart Parking lot (8-19, 0500 MDT, Jamestown, ND).

Miles Traveled: 4,509

Gallons of Gas: 560

Family RV Trip Out West: Priceless

Thanks for joining us in our journey across the country in the Kalama Krooz'r!

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