Sunday, August 15, 2010

Today was one of the most scary, exhilarating, invigorating, exciting, beautiful days of my 13 years. We went white water rafting! Our guide knew everything about the river, and told more than a few tall tales. We met the most amazing people, simple and genuine. Here's how it went:
The Scary Part: We were going over a class 3 rapid and Eli almost fell out. Later in the day, we made a quick stop to jump off cliffs. I couldn't do it, but I finally jumped!
The Exhilarating: We jumped into a fresh mountain creek, and the water was FREEZING! It was definitely exhilarating.
The Invigorating: I jumped off a cliff! I almost didn't do it. But, plunging into water from 15 feet above was invigorating.
The Exciting: Going up to a huge rapid and watching the other boats plunge up and down and knowing that those people would be you!
The Beautiful: The mountain scenery was absolutely spectacular. It was calming and relaxing!
I can't wait to go rafting again!

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